

November 5-6 was Waseda-sai! I got really lucky that week too with holidays, and ended up having a 5-day weekend :D

One of those days I went to Shibuya. A few days before that, I stopped there to wander around by myself. I found a Sbarro (which is the only place I know of that puts pizza sausage on pizza instead of the kind of sausage you eat on a bun...), a 5-story fabric store, and a bunch of other sweet stores. This time I went with my friend Liz.

This is in Shibuya 109, 9 floors filled to the brim with the most stylish fashion in Tokyo today. It's really awesome in there, but unfortunately it's pretty expensive and also most stores only carry one size of everything. This pillar was paper-mached like how we did Kelly's bookshelves this summer ^_^

This is a random, really long wall on one of the back streets that's filled with graffiti. It was really interesting art.

I went back to Waseda a bit early for dance that day a happened upon the pre-festival.

They were still setting up the main stage. Then I found some people practicing a sketch on another stage.

They were dressed up Ultraman style is sweet costumes. The play was really hilarious. The announcer girl got kidnapped by the yellow guy, and the Blue Ranger came to save her. But he got overpowered, so Kumaizo...

...came to the rescue. He gave the Ranger the Waseda sword and he defeated the yellow guy. It was like watching anime in real life hahah (note: Waseda's mascot is a bear, and kuma means bear, which is where Kumaizo comes from)

After that I went to dance to practice for our performance in Waseda-sai. More on that later----

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